Free or Paid Websites?

Free or Paid Websites?

This article is written in layman’s terms, hopefully layman enough! There are so many options when it comes to building a home for your business website.  From free website services, free website builders and paid for websites.  Below are some pros and cons...

South African eCommerce hits its stride

CAPE TOWN – Despite the lackluster macro-economic indicators, South African tenacity showed itself once again as retailers – especially smaller stores – cashed in on the online space over the Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend says Payment Service Provider, DPO...

Why your website should be responsive

Before the popularity of smart mobile devices, websites had a set width to display on a desktop or laptop computers which today is not mobile friendly, one would then need to create a separate mobi site for mobile uses, these desktop sites will have you scrolling...

The Advantage of Google AdWords

This article has been written for people that that don’t understand much about how Google search works. I am hoping this will help explain why it is important to include Google AdWords in your businesses marketing budget. Gone are the days when it was simple to get...

The advantages of using a CMS over plain HTML pages

Content Management Systems (CMS) have been around for many years, but have improved immensely offering so many new great features you would wonder why one would create a website using HTML. There are many advantages of using a CMS. Website owners can login and make...